Raptor Consulting has partnered with a group of industry experts in engineering and geology to develop specific data analytics to improve drilling performance and recovery.

Our proprietary workflow incorporates EDR data and geosteering to analyze MSE, ROP, Torque, Differential Pressure and Gas data to identify areas to maximize ROP and increase gas recovery. Our solutions have been designed to help the operator reduce drilling days and increase production.

We provide much more than simply re-hashing the data. We strive to help companies answer questions about their operations with targeted analytics and intuitive graphical representations. Contact us today to start your journey to better success!

Raptor Pad MSE Relief Map

Benefits of Data Analytics

  • Optimize drilling performance using MSE
  • Maximize ROP by drilling the best rock
  • Identify and avoid stratigraphic intervals with reduced performance
  • Enhance production through drilling in the highest gas intervals
  • Normalize MSE to better understand the data as a whole

For further information contact us at [email protected]

MSE vs ROP Analysis

MSE vs ROP Analysis